Citrix: Dutch Citrix User Group launched!

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A couple of months ago I was contacted by a couple of great minds if I would be interested in doing some work for a relaunch of the Dutch Citrix User Group. A couple of familiar names where mentioned so it was an easy decision, together with Barry Schiffer, Ingmar Verheij, Remko Weijnen, Wilco van Bragt, Jon Jager and of course Edwin Houben (who had the idea to start the DUCUG with Wilco a couple of years ago) we had a brainstorm session and I got completely enthusiastic about the ideas we talked about.

Now we’re a couple of months later and our first event is a fact, today is the official start of the new DUCUG with the launch of the DUCUG website and the announcement of our first, FREE event!

Because we’re a community we tried something new to get other members in board with a new concept called BYOS Bring Your Own Session. Do you have a great topic and you want to present on the first DUCUG event sent us an email with your presentation to (Remember it’s all in Dutch).

From Wilco’s blog:

It will be a kind of try-out, so we have limited seating available. Out of the persons who registered we will invite the people to join this first event. So register for the event on the DUCUG website today. We are regretting that we cannot invite everyone this time. But we are sure this try-out will be big success and we will organize larger events in the nearby future where we can facilate more people. Follow us via the website, on twitter @DUCUG or LinkedIn.

So I want to encourage you to register and make this relaunch of the Dutch Citrix User Group a success together!

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