Deploying Citrix XenDesktop Linux VDA using Red Hat Enterprise and vSphere – Part 3
Previously I covered configuration of the Linux VM in preparation of the Linux VDA install. If you have not already read through Part 1, I highly encourage you to do so by selecting the link below.
Part 1: Introduction to the Linux VDA and Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Part 2: Preparing the Linux VM for the VDA – Installing and Configuring Prereqs
Part 3: Installing the Linux VDA and Deploying Linux Specific Catalogs and Delivery Groups < YOU ARE HERE
Part 4: Bonus – Simple Image Management and Deployment of Linux VDAs
Installing and Configuring the Linux XenDesktop VDA
The Linux VM is configured, joined to the domain, and verified as ready to go. Now it’s time to install and configure
Download or copy the LinuxVDA zip file to the Linux OS. Launch a terminal and run the following command to unzip the .gz file. Alternatively, you can unzip the file from the GUI by right clicking on the file and selecting Extract here.
tar xvzf citrix-linuxvda-rhel-1.0.0.gz
Showing the GUI Option:
The important file within the zip file is the XenDesktop VDA rpm package. This will be installed using the following command. Before continuing, be sure all required prerequisite packages are installed as listed in the beginning of this article.
rpm –i XenDesktopVDA-
As referenced after the install is complete, the Linux VDA requires configuration before it is ready for use. You can either following the instructions and run “/usr/local/sbin/” or you can do what I did, and simply create a script with the values already specified. This makes repeat deployments much quicker and easier.
As a bonus, at the end of this blog I will demonstrate the process to follow if you would like to quickly spin off and provision additional Linux VDAs.
Note: I would recommend making a copy of the VM at this point, prior to configuring the VDA, so that you have a “fresh” Linux OS ready for deployment of future clones.
Before showing the final script configuration, let me explain each option that is allowed with the script. Again, this information comes straight from the Citrix Linux Virtual Desktop Install Guide, so please refer to it for more information.
CTX_XDL_SUPPORT_DDC_AS_CNAME = <Y | N> – Support the specification of DDC names via CNAME. Typically set to no.
CTX_XDL_DDC_LIST = <list-ddc-fqdns> – The list of DDCs separated using spaces—no commas here please, and be sure to use FQDNs.
CTX_XDL_REGISTER_SERVICE = <Y | N> – Select Y to have the VDA Services start on boot.
CTX_XDL_ADD_FIREWALL_RULES = <Y | N> – Select Y to automatically have the firewall exception rules added for the Linux VDA.
CTX_XDL_AD_INTEGRATION = <1 | 2> – Select 1 for Samba Winbind (Select 2 for Quest).
CTX_XDL_VDA_PORT = <VDA Port Number> – Provide the port number for VDA communication with the DDC. This is typically port 80.
CTX_XDL_USER_FORMAT = <1 | 2 | 3> – Select the format that will be used for user authentication. Use 1 for domain\user and 2 for user@domain.
CTX_XDL_START_SERVICE = <Y | N> – Select Y to start the services immediately start the services once configuration is complete.
To create the script, open a new file using gedit, nano, or VI. Type in the following content to set the environment variables and run the script from within the custom script. Change the environment variables as necessary to fit your desired configuration.
export CTX_XDL_VDA_PORT=80
sudo -E /usr/local/sbin/
Save the file with a name of your choice and store it somewhere you will remember!
To run the script, the file must first have the “execute” permission added. Run the below command to allow the script to execute.
chmod +x <Script File Name>
Once the script is run, the Linux VDA install and configuration is complete. It’s now time to create the Catalog and Delivery Group.
Create the Linux VDA Catalog and Delivery Group
Create the Linux VDA Catalog
The creation of a Linux OS Catalog is very similar to a Windows Server OS catalog. Launch Citrix Studio and navigate the Machine Catalogs section and select Create Catalog.
Review the Introduction if desired and click Next.
As stated previsouly, Linux VDA Catalogs are much like Windows Server OS catalogs. In fact, that’s the option we will use when creating the catalog, as there isn’t an available option for Linux Desktop or Server OS, yet.
Although I have successfully tested power managed Linux machines, the Citrix Linux Guide asks that Catalogs be configured to not be power managed.
Select Add computers to add the newly created Linux Machine(s) to the catalog.
Once all machines are added, click Next.
Provide a Name and a Description for the Catalog and click Finish.
Once complete, double click on the Catalog to open the Machine view. If everything was configured correctly, the Registration State will appear as Registered!
Create the Linux VDA Delivery Group
Starting from Studio in the Delivery Groups Pane, select Create Delivery Group.
As expected, under the Machines section, we will want to add the Linux Machines from the Catalog created in the above steps.
Just as with the Catalog, the Linux VDA Delivery Group is limited in what can and cannot be configured. In this case, Linux Delivery Groups are limited to Delivery Type Desktops only. This means that published applications on the Linux OS are not supported.
Add the list of Users and/or Groups that will be granted access to this Delivery Group.
Once all users and groups have been added, Click Next.
NOTE: Logon of Unauthenticated (anonymous) users is not supported with the Linux OS.
Since no Citrix Receiver was installed on the Linux OS, I did not have StoreFront configured automatically. If this is the case, leave Manually… selected and click Next.
Provide a Delivery Group name, Display name, and Delivery Group description. Review the Summary and when ready to create the Delivery Group, click Finish.
And I present to you, the Linux Citrix Desktop, complete with home folder, text editor and the always handy calculator.
To continue on in the series, choose one of the sections below.
Part 1: Introduction to the Linux VDA and Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Part 2: Preparing the Linux VM for the VDA – Installing and Configuring Prereqs
Part 3: Installing the Linux VDA and Deploying Linux Specific Catalogs and Delivery Groups < YOU ARE HERE
Part 4: Bonus – Simple Image Management and Deployment of Linux VDAs
As always, if you wish to leave any questions, comments, or feedback, feel free to do so below. Thanks!
hi. i installed XenDesktopVDA-
when run /usr/local/sbin/ and set values .. in the end error :
libsepol. permission_copy_callback: module XenDesktopVDA depends on
permission audit_access in class dir, not satisfied (no such file or
libsemanage.semanage_link_sandbox: Link packages failed (No such file
or directory).
/usr/sbin/semodule: Failed!