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- AboutDane Young is an aspiring technothusiast specializing in application, desktop, and server virtualization technologies. Dane’s educational background includes a Bachelor of Science in Bus. Admin/Management Information Systems from Sacramento State and a Masters of Business Administration from the Univerisity of Phoenix. Notable certifications include Citrix Certified Integration Architect for Virtualization, VMware Certified Professional for vSphere 4 and Microsoft Certified IT Professional: Windows Server 2008 R2, Virtualization Administrator. Dane’s technical experience includes: – mentoree of Bill Alderson, PMG (Pine Mountain Group, acquired by NetQoS and later Computer Associates) – technical entrepreneurship and consulting for small and medium size businesses – program manager and infrastructure engineer, K-8 education – field consulting and engineering, managed services provider, and – most recently field systems and solutions engineer, M7 Global Partner: Entisys Solutions. Location: Sacramento, Ca Technical Inspirations: Brian Madden (www.brianmadden.com) Doug Brown (www.dabcc.com) Eric Haavarstein (www.xenappblog.com) Pierre Marmignon (www.citrixtools.net) Scott Lowe (blog.scottlowe.org) Thomas Koetzing (www.thomaskoetzing.de)
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Using PowerShell and Windows Network QoS Policies to Throttle Web-Based Downloads
I wrote a series of Twitter messages this morning with a couple quick how-to steps, but I figured it would be valuable to summarize in a quick blog post. Back in the day I used web Download Managers to throttle bandwidth usage so I didn’t …
Login VSI v4 Sneak Peek! New Version Releasing Tomorrow, May 2nd!
I’ve been an avid user of Login Consultant’s Login VSI (http://www.loginvsi.com) product for the last couple years, so it’s very exciting to me to have the privilege of evaluating the latest version as a pre-release! There are a ton of significant enhancements in this next …