Project Avalon Excalibur (aka XenDesktop 7) Technology Preview: Installation and Configuration Using Windows Server 2012 Exclusively! Part 3
If you’ve just stumbled upon this article, I recommend you start from the beginning by clicking the Part 1 link below. For easy reading, I’ve broken this blog post into five parts:
Part 1: Installing the Delivery Controller(s) Components and Creating the Site
Part 2: Preparing the Master Server for Imaging
Part 3: Creating the Hosting Infrastructure Connection and Deploying a Catalog from the Master Server < YOU ARE HERE!
Part 4: Creating the Delivery Group and Publishing an Application
Part 5: Configuring StoreFront 1.3 Services and Launching a Published Application
At this point we are ready to setup our hosting infrastructure connection through Citrix Studio on the delivery controller. These connections are added through Citrix Studio -> Configuration -> Hosting.
For this example, I am using vSphere 5.1, which requires that my vCenter certificate be loaded to the personal certificate store, similar to XenDesktop 5.x. To perform this next step, I will execute Internet Explorer using Run As Administrator. Next, I will navigate to https://vcenterserver and click the certificate error, then View certificates:
Click Install Certificate.
Select Local Machine and click Next.
Select Place all certificates in the following store and click Browse.
Select Show physical stores and expand Trusted People -> Registry. Click OK.
Click Next.
Click Finish.
Click OK to confirm that the import completed successfully.
Click OK.
Close Internet Explorer.
In Citrix Studio, navigate to Configuration -> Hosting and click Add hosting infrastructure:
Select VMware Virtualization for the host type. Enter for the Address. Enter Domain\Username and password for a service account used for virtual machine creation. Enter a host connection name. Leave Studio tools (Machine Creation Services) selected and click Next.
Under cluster, click Browse.
Expand the Datacenter and select the appropriate cluster. Click OK:
Select the appropriate VLAN and click Next.
Select the appropriate datastores under the Storage section. Since we are only deploying server workloads, I’ll leave the Personal vDisk option defaulted to use the same storage for PvD. Click Next.
Scopes defines delegated administration. For this demo, I will leave the default scopes defined and click Next.
Provide a name for the connection details, typically I would use the Cluster name. Note: since periods are not valid characters, I typically use commas instead. Click Finish.
To create the initial pool of XenApp servers using this hosting connection, select Machine Catalogs and select Create Machine Catalog:
Click Next:
You may notice that Desktop and Server Operating Systems are now broken out, with no references to XenApp or XenDesktop of course! For our demonstration, select Windows Server Operating System and Virtual machines. Click Next.
Notice the new options for Machine Management. Select Machine Creation Services and click Next.
Select the master server (VMWS12XCL-M) from the list and click Next.
Enter the number of virtual machines to create (5 for this demonstration). Optionally we could specify alternate vCPU and RAM allocations if we wanted to make changes from the master server. Click Next.
Navigate to the Active Directory Organizational Unit for the computer object placement. Enter a naming convention using ## for the increment and click Next.
Enter a Machine Catalog name and description for easily distinguishing the servers. Click Finish.
A progress bar is displayed to indicate progress during deployment, similar to XenDesktop 5.x.
After several minutes all machines will be deployed and we can create an Application Delivery Group.
To continue reading, please choose from the following:
Part 1: Installing the Delivery Controller(s) Components and Creating the Site
Part 2: Preparing the Master Server for Imaging
Part 3: Creating the Hosting Infrastructure Connection and Deploying a Catalog from the Master Server < YOU ARE HERE!
Part 4: Creating the Delivery Group and Publishing an Application
Part 5: Configuring StoreFront 1.3 Services and Launching a Published Application
If you have any questions, comments, or just want to leave feedback, please do so below. Thanks for reading!
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