My experiences at Summit day 2
So day two of Summit passed by really fast, we attended a couple of sessions on day two and we had a great dinner in the evening.
We started out on the ‘Understanding and troubleshooting Session Initializing and Citrix Hook Architecture’ session which was pretty technical. The first few slides that they showed us contained only DLL’s and if they were in Kernel Mode or in User Mode and if they were provided by Microsoft or Citrix. The presenter went on about what process is launched at session initialization and which DLL’s are used. The Citrix Hook architecture was less technical but pretty interesting as they showed us how Citrix is using API hooking to get stuff done from a client perspective.
After that I attended the ‘Implementing and troubleshooting Storefront and Receiver for Windows Session’ although it was a good session I noticed that not that much people where using Storefront (or even installed it). I later on talked about Storefront with one of the CTP’s and he told me he was using Storefront in just specific use cases (looking at Apple devices for instance).
We took some time for lunch and we attended the ‘Deep dive on CloudGateway for CSP’, the presentation wasn’t that interesting but they did do an announcement but as I’m still under NDA I can’t blog about it… yet.
The Planning, implementing and troubleshooting PVS 6.x session was good, it was easy to follow although the speaker did go pretty fast he did deliver good content. Remko Weijnen did had a good question about the Legacy driver in Hyper-V which is 100Mbit atm and not the best suitable solution when looking at PVS but the speaker couldn’t give us more information on when this would be changed. More information is coming tho but again, as we’re under NDA I can’t say more about this subject.
This was my last session for today, I was invited for the Private Demo Room which Barry had talked about in his previous blogpost.
We did attend Geekspeak Live with Consumerization of IT which was not the normal Geekspeak way of doing it. The panel was too big and the audience didn’t get involved in the discussion. The second topic was on Cloud Security, we heard some good comments from Remko Weijnen and Andrew Morgan but again the subject was to high level and didn’t got of like it should. Rick Dehlinger did a great job moderating this panel and subject but asked the audience to get involved more on the next geekspeak.
After the sessions we had a great dinner involving our friends from the UKUG, all of the DUCUG members (expect for Wilco van Bragt as he isn’t attending Synergy this year) and a lot of CTP’s and Citrites. We had some great discussions on using local storage/shared storage, costs and new developments.
Today is the start of Synergy so I’m looking forward to the keynote by MarkT!
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